Collection Notice
Innovate BC is collecting your email address and name for one or more of the following purposes:
- subscription to Innovate BC mailing list;
- registration to Innovate BC event;
- collecting your response to an Innovate BC form or survey;
- booking a meeting with an Innovate BC employee.
Innovate BC is authorized to collect your information under sections 26(c) and 26(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA). Your information is treated as confidential and is stored on Innovate BC’s secure HubSpot account. HubSpot’s servers are located outside of Canada and are not under the control of Innovate BC. By clicking on the subscribe button, you provide your consent for your information to be stored on servers located outside of Canada. If you have questions, please contact Atefeh Taghavi, Director, Data + IT Strategy at ataghavi@innovatebc.ca. 900-1188 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 4A2.