MarineLabs’ coastal intelligence platform boosting productivity and elevating operational safety at major B.C. ports through B.C.’s Integrated Marketplace

7 min
Sep 16, 2024 9:46:13 AM

VANCOUVER. B.C., SEPTEMBER 16, 2024 – Victoria-based MarineLabs is utilizing its AI-driven marine weather data platform as part of three new innovation projects, funded through the Province’s Integrated Marketplace program, delivered by Innovate BC, that are improving productivity and enhancing the health and safety of operations at the Port of Vancouver and the Port of Prince Rupert.

Each project showcases a distinct application of MarineLabs’ real-time and predictive coastal intelligence delivered through their flagship product, CoastAware, which provides users with hyper-localized weather insights, real-time coastal images and other actionable data. MarineLabs’ integrated technology solutions and machine learning delivers high-resolution coastal data to support safer decision-making for maritime operations.

MarineLabs flagship product, CoastAware. 

“There is tremendous talent in B.C. when it comes to technology,” said Brenda Bailey, Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation. “Through the Integrated Marketplace program, we’re helping B.C. based companies scale up their technology solutions to strengthen our economy and make life better for people, while helping them improve their productivity and competitiveness.” 

“The Integrated Marketplace is a catalyst for transformative innovation, connecting key industries with B.C.’s brightest minds to tackle the most pressing challenges faced by British Columbians,” said Peter Cowan, President and CEO of Innovate BC, “These projects are a great example of how local innovation can strengthen the productivity and competitiveness of the province’s most significant sectors while also making industry operations safer.”  

Created to help drive innovation in the province, the Integrated Marketplace links strategic partners operating at testbeds like the Port of Vancouver and the Port of Prince Rupert, to B.C.-based solution providers to implement, scale up, and export B.C. technology solutions. This framework allows B.C. industries to receive assistance and reduce the risks in adopting innovation and new technologies while connecting these solution providers with valuable Canadian reference customers that support their growth.  

MarineLabs Team with Sensor

MarineLabs team with sensor designed to collect marine data.

CoastAware Weather Intelligence and BuoyCam for the Passenger Ferry Service at the Port of Vancouver

Headquartered in Nanaimo and with operations at the Port of Vancouver testbed, which is overseen by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, the Vancouver Island Ferry Company (VIFC) is utilizing CoastAware to optimize the Hullo Ferry passenger service between Vancouver and Nanaimo. By leveraging real-time wave, wind and coastal data collected along the ferry route, VIFC can make more informed scheduling decisions, improving the reliability and safety of the service. 

Historical Insights for the Terminal Development at the Port of Prince Rupert  

Producer and distributor AltaGas is developing plans for a new export terminal located within the Port of Prince Rupert testbed which is overseen by the Prince Rupert Port Authority. Using historical data accessed through CoastAware, AltaGas is optimizing engineering decisions to ensure the construction and design of the proposed facility is safer, more cost effective and efficient.  

CEO Scott Beatty with Hullo Ferry Crew

Scott Beatty, CEO of MarineLabs with Hullo Ferry crew.

CoastAware Weather Intelligence and BuoyCam for Pilot Transfers at the Port of Prince Rupert and Port of Vancouver  

The Pacific Pilotage Authority (PPA) is harnessing CoastAware to make more accurate decisions on scheduling marine pilots for embarking and disembarking vessels. Employing real-time weather data specific to the pilotage areas within the Port of Prince Rupert and the Port of Vancouver, the PPA can mitigate safety risks during pilot transfers. 

Through these different use cases, MarineLabs is continuing to improve and scale its real-time and predictive coastal intelligence platform for other potential customers with similar needs. The data collected in each of these projects is also contributing to advancing MarineLabs’ machine-learning models, continuously improving the reliability and accuracy of its coastal weather forecasting for users.    

“The Integrated Marketplace is an excellent initiative that is allowing regional ports and operators to test the leading edge of technology to improve the safety and efficiency of their operations,” said Dr. Scott Beatty, CEO of MarineLabs, “Our regional maritime operators, who navigate and build infrastructure in some of the world’s most challenging conditions, set a global standard for maritime safety. MarineLabs is proud to support them with hyper-local real-time, historical, and predictive coastal weather intelligence. Given the complex and extreme nature of the B.C. coast, these case-study demonstrations of our technologies are a launch pad for our expansion into international markets that will help us in our mission to protect the world’s coastlines.” 

This announcement is part of the Government of B.C.’s investment of $11.5 million, and the Government of Canada’s investment, through PacifiCan, of $9.9 million in the Integrated Marketplace. It follows the recent announcement of new self-driving robotic pods being tested at Vancouver International Airport (YVR), which aims to enhance accessibility for travellers with mobility needs.  

MarineLabs CoastAware dashboard view on pilot boat (1)

MarineLabs CoastAware dashboard in use on pilotboat.

Project Backgrounders  

CoastAware Weather Intelligence and BuoyCam for the Passenger Ferry Service at the Port of Vancouver 

CoastAware gives VIFC access to real-time wave and wind data, along with 360-degree coastal images collected by newly placed sensors located at the ferry terminals in the Port of Vancouver and Nanaimo, as well as five other targeted locations on the ferry route across the Strait of Georgia. The live views of ocean conditions and real-time and year-round data collected by the sensors allows VIFC to make more informed and timely scheduling decisions for the passenger ferries based on current local weather conditions as well as historical trends, improving the safety and reliability of the service. 

Historical Insights for the Terminal Development at the Port of Prince Rupert 

Engineers working on the export terminal are accessing three years of historical data collected by an existing network of sensors located in marine areas similar to the proposed pre-terminal construction site. This data demonstrates the impact that wind and wave patterns have on comparable geographical locations, which can be used to validate engineering models, improve assessments of terminal development sites, and provide more detailed, cost-effective evaluations to terminal engineering projects to mitigate safety risks during installation. 

As MarineLabs’ sensor network collects new data, engineers can review forecasts to determine how accurately weather predictions align with actual events, with the aim of improving the certainty in the assessed weather exposure of the new terminal. This will result in a more refined, efficient and climate-adaptive facility design, ultimately strengthening export operations. 

CoastAware Weather Intelligence and BuoyCam for Pilot Transfers at the Port of Prince Rupert and Port of Vancouver 

Replacing the need to rely solely on weather forecasts from external data providers, which have limited accuracy, CoastAware with ForecastAI offers the PPA more accurate forecasts and current wind, wave and visibility data specific to their locations, allowing operators to plan for and determine actual weather conditions where the pilots board. Often facing hazardous marine conditions, these precise assessments help maritime operators reduce safety risks and minimize the need for precautionary cancellations, making the ports and economic supply chains more efficient while reducing operational costs. 

Additional Quotes:

The Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of Emergency Preparedness and Minister responsible for the Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada 

 “Today’s announcement is another example of how the Government of Canada’s support for the Integrated Marketplace is directly benefitting B.C.-based entrepreneurs, such as MarineLabs. Their CoastAware platform harnesses the power of a network of sensor nodes and AI-driven modelling to create real-time forecast data. By having access to hyper-localized wind and wave forecasts, users can take more informed, and safer, approaches to their operations. It is exciting to see a local company like MarineLabs refine and test a technology right here at home that will help them grow both here and in coastal markets around the world.” 

Sean Poole, Chief Operating Officer, VIFC  
“Since the fall of last year (Q4 2023), Hullo Ferries has been using MarineLabs to enhance our data-informed decision-making. This partnership has made us a leader in utilizing real-time weather data to increase our reliability and understanding of weather patterns on our operating routes. This has greatly improved our operational efficiency and the safety of our crew and passengers. We are excited to expand our partnership and utilize their offerings further with the support of an Innovate BC grant.” 

John Wilson, CEO, Pacific Pilotage Authority quote 

“The real-time data available to the PPA through CoastAware has greatly enhanced the safety of our operations. Timely information on actual environmental conditions allows for better decision-making to ensure optimal timing of ship movements and efficient ship manoeuvring. This is especially important for the safe operation of our pilot boarding stations and, more recently, pilot transfers using our new helicopter service on the South Coast. We’re proud to be collaborating with MarineLabs on the use of information provided through this innovative technology.” 

About Innovate BC

A Crown Agency of British Columbia, Innovate BC works to foster innovation across the province and bolster the growth of the local economy through delivering a wide range of programs that help companies start and scale, access talent and encourage technology development, commercialization, and adoption. Innovate BC also harnesses crucial data collection and research, and works to forge strategic industry and community partnerships that create more opportunities for B.C. innovators. 

Media Contact

Michael Gleboff
Communications + Community Manager
604 602 5210
