Tech Adoption

B.C. On-Farm Technology Adoption Program

The third intake of the British Columbia (B.C.) On-Farm Technology Adoption Program will focus on labour saving technologies. This program provides cost-shared funding to eligible participants to adopt new technologies on-farm that will enhance profitability, productivity, and/or efficiency.  

Led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the program is funded under the Sustainable Canadian Agriculture Partnership, a five year (2023-2028) federal-provincial-territorial initiative to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation, and resiliency of Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector, and is delivered through Innovate BC. 

  • Applications are open from March 17, 2025 to April 28, 2025
  • All projects will be evaluated on a competitive basis after April 28, 2025
  • Awards up to $100,000 to fund B.C.-based farms for projects to adopt innovative technology that can improve labour efficiency

Watch our program overview video here.




Program Information

The primary focus of the Program is to provide cost-shared funding to eligible applicants to adopt new technologies on-farm that will enhance their profitability, productivity, and/or efficiency. The third intake of the Program, launching on March 17, 2025, will focus specifically on new technologies that address labour-intensive tasks.  

The Ministry understands that high upfront costs are a primary hurdle for producers to explore or trial new tools, and that accessing large amounts of capital needed to implement new tools and technologies can be prohibitive. 

This Program aims to strengthen B.C.’s agriculture sector through adoption of new technologies on-farm. New technology could include, but is not limited to, a newly created technology that differs significantly from existing technologies in-use, an existing technology that is modified to meet different requirements, or an existing technology that is implemented in different situations. These technologies or equipment must be viable and commercially available for purchase. 

Key Dates

  • March 17, 2025: Application intake opens 
  • April 28, 2025: Application intake closes 
  • June 15, 2025: Award decisions to be shared with applicants
  • March 20, 2026: All technologies/products must be delivered to the farm 
  • March 20, 2027: Results reporting on first year of adoption (Results may be reported from the 2025 growing season in 2026 for projects able to do so.)

Eligible Applicants  

To be eligible, applicants must:  

  • be based in B.C.; 
  • be appropriately registered, licensed and/or certified to conduct business in B.C.; 
  • have a minimum of two years in operation; and 
  • Made no less than $50,000 in annual revenue during the previous two years from the production (farm, grow, raise) of primary B.C. agriculture commodities (e.g., fruit, vegetables, grains, livestock). The Ministry reserves the right to waive the minimum farm revenue requirement for Indigenous applicants. 
    • For farmers who have experienced crop loss due to weather or other factors beyond their control that has impacted their revenues in the two years prior to applying, exceptions to these revenue requirements will be made if they can demonstrate they have reached the $50k threshold for two of the past five years. If so, the funding cap will be applied based on the revenue value prior to crop loss.  

The following applicant types are eligible for this Program: 

  1. Agriculture producers (i.e., farmers, growers, or ranchers) of primary agriculture commodities; and 
  1. Indigenous businesses or entrepreneurs that are majority-owned by Indigenous individuals or communities (at least 51%) and produce primary agricultural commodities or engage in traditional food production practices.  

Ineligible Applicants  

The following applicants are ineligible for this Program: 

  • operations that produce or process health or nutrition supplements, or pet food; 
  • food and beverage processors, wholesalers, distributors, farm input suppliers, restaurants, and other food service establishments; 
  • unlicensed, unregistered, or uninspected facilities; 
  • food packing operations located off-farm; 
  • aquaculture and seafood production/processing businesses; and 
  • any other business that does not fall within the scope of eligible applicants in this Program Guide.

Application Process  

Applicants will be required to submit a funding application through the application portal during the call period, March 17 to April 28, 2025.

All applicants will be required to provide:    

  • Annual organization revenues from the previous two years, specifically from the production of (e.g., farm, grow, raise) primary B.C. agriculture commodities (e.g., fruit, vegetables, grains, livestock). Organization revenues related to other activities must not be included;  
  • CRA Business Registration Number;  
  • Confirmation of quote(s) from the technology supplier for the purchase to substantiate the funding request amount and delivery timelines;  
  • Confirmation of a proposed delivery date (required by March 20, 2026) for the items to be purchased, once an application is approved (note: approval decisions will be communicated to applicants in June);  

  • An estimate of the hours that the technology will save for your business operations;  

  • An estimate of the service life of the technology from the company; and  

  • An estimate of the anticipated payback period for the investment.

Apply here

This program supports the adoption of commercially available, labour-saving technologies on farms. These technologies should be new to Canada, B.C., region, or a specific commodity sector. The goal is to enhance farm profitability, productivity, and/or efficiency. 

New technology could include, but is not limited to, a newly created technology that differs significantly from existing technologies in-use, an existing technology that is modified to meet different requirements, or an existing technology that is implemented in different situations. These technologies or equipment must be new to the applicant, viable and commercialized (TRL level 9). This would include technologies that are readily commercially available, and/or have been successfully tested and proven to work in its final form or iteration under real-life and operational conditions.

This program aims to support the ability of farming agriculture businesses to grow, raise, harvest, pack, or store crops and animals more profitably, productively and/or efficiently through labour-saving technologies.

Labour-saving technology for this program means:  

  • Technology that reduces the hours spent on a particular task; and/or
  • Technology that increases the productivity per worker, e.g., implementing a new piece of equipment that has advanced capabilities to speed up the pace of the worker or increase the output from the worker by streamlining specific actions that the worker takes, such as how the autonomous picking platform works.

Examples of Eligible Technology: 

Autonomous Equipment/Robotics: technologies that operate independently and adapt to their environment. 

  • Autonomous weeding equipment 
  • Autonomous transplanting systems 
  • Autonomous supply delivery systems 
  • Autonomous harvesters 
  • Autonomous sorting at harvest 

Machinery: technologies that perform specific tasks with minimal but some human interaction. 

  • Automated grading and sorting machines  
  • Automated pruning/tying equipment 
  • Automated stacking and dumping equipment 

Smart Sensors and Monitoring Equipment: devices that collect and analyze data in real-time to optimize agricultural processes, enable faster decision making, remote control or management, or otherwise result in labour savings. 

  • Smart camera-guided systems  
  • Smart temperature sensing 
  • Health monitoring for livestock via sensors 
  • Virtual fencing collars and GPS ear tags for livestock 
  • Sap flow sensors 

Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI and machine learning technologies enable systems to adapt and make decisions as well as predictions, or otherwise result in labour savings.

  • AI systems for optical sorting  
  • AI systems for monitoring of livestock 

Farm Business Management Tools: technologies that assist in planning, analyzing, and optimizing the operational aspects a farm and result in labour savings. For example: 

  • Software that helps track farm activities. 
  • Decision support systems to optimize farm operations. 

Other Technologies: New and emerging technologies that do not fall under the categories above, but that would result in substantial labour savings when implemented.  


Ineligible Expenses 

Before you apply, check that the technology and costs you want reimbursed by the Program are not ineligible. The lists below are not exhaustive, and Applicants are encouraged to contact Program Management (integratedmarkets@innovatebc.ca) to confirm if a technology and/or expense is eligible: 

  • Leasing costs; 
  • Maintenance and repair costs; 
  • Fees for permits, approvals, or legal activities; 
  • Costs of ongoing activities; 
  • Financing charges, loan interest payments, bank fees, and charges; 
  • Extended warranties on equipment, electronics, or technology purchases; 
  • Expenses related to aquaponic food production, or to aquaculture, seaweed, fish and seafood production and processing; 
  • Purchases made before application is approved, or expenses after the project completion date unless consent is received from the Program; and
  • GST on the technology purchase.

Ineligible Purchases

The Program does not cover the purchases mentioned below. However, please get in touch with Program Management to confirm if a particular purchase qualifies, especially if a detailed rationale can be provided on how the purchase is an innovative labour-saving solution that is also new to Canada, B.C., a specific commodity sector, or a region. 

  • Items that are commonly used for recreational or non-agricultural purposes (e.g., iPads, TVs, and recreational drones); 
  • Activities related to aquaponic food production, or to aquaculture, seaweed, fish and seafood production and processing; 
  • New building construction including sheds, barns, or storages (for products or by-products);
  • Drones for spraying pesticides; 
  • Infrastructure such as closed environment structures, greenhouses and poly tunnels;
  • Lighting, aeroponics technology, or irrigation systems (e.g., piping);
  • Plant propagation and growing media; 
  • Subscriptions for management software or apps after the first year;
  • Used equipment; 
  • Technologies that would be funded through the activities outlined in the Beneficial Management Practices Program*;
  • Technology that is non-compliant with all federal and provincial laws and regulations; 
  • Purchases made before application is approved (this includes deposits, signature of purchase orders, or any other initiation of the purchase), or expenses after the project completion date unless consent is received from the Program; and
  • Purchases of common technologies that are already widely used in the specific sector (unless they offer significantly novel features or functionalities that innovatively address repetitive and labour-intensive tasks, or present a labour-saving solution that is new to Canada, B.C., a specific commodity sector, or a region).

Examples of Ineligible Common Technologies that are Industry Standard**:

General Agriculture 

  • Conventional accounting software such as QuickBooks.
Crop Specific
  • Machine harvesters (Berries) 
  • U-tunnels/high tunnels (Berries, Grapes) 
  • Human tractor-driven cultivation/transplanters (Field Vegetables) 
  • Climate control automation, HVAC systems, LED lighting (Greenhouse Vegetables/Floriculture/Cannabis) 
  • Carbon dioxide supplementation systems (Greenhouse Vegetables/Cannabis) 
  • Basic and conventional equipment related to sorting and packing (Cannabis)  
  • Basic and conventional mechanical transplanters, harvesters; trimming, and drying equipment (Greenhouse Vegetables/Cannabis) 
  • Basic equipment for washing, sorting, or freezing (Berries/Tree Fruits) 
  • Fogging systems, evaporative cooling systems such as cooling walls/towers (Greenhouse Vegetables/Floriculture/Cannabis)
  • Frost fans/wind machines (Grapes, Tree Fruits) 
  • Wind machines (Tree Fruit) 
  • Reflective material for colour development, roof and curtain walls (Tree Fruit) 

Livestock Specific 

  • Walk-in freezers (Beef) 
  • Milking robots, non-AI animal behavioural analysis/monitoring technology (Dairy)
  • Feed pushers, misters, or soakers, mattresses that contain water to reduce heat (Dairy)
  • Conventional cow monitoring collars, ear tags, pedometers (Dairy/Beef) 
  • Autonomous manure collection systems (Dairy) 
  • Non-AI climate monitoring/control, ventilation, cooling, heat exchangers, improved insulation (Poultry) 
  • Automated feeders, egg collection, manure systems (Poultry) 


**Proposals that include technologies mentioned above will still be considered if the technology requested: 

  • Has substantially novel features or functionalities that address repetitive and labour-intensive tasks in an innovative way; and 
  • Is an innovative labour-saving solution that is also new to Canada, B.C., a region, or a commodity.  

Please contact Program Management at integratedmarkets@innovatebc.ca if you have questions about the eligibility of a specific technology that meets the two requirements above.

*Many technologies are not funded through this Program, but they are funded by the Beneficial Management Practices Program: 

  • Pest management equipment: alterations to sprayers, new sprayers, pest information collection and monitoring, precision guidance applications of pesticides/residuals  
  • Fuel efficient motors and equipment: replacement of fossil fuel driven equipment or motors with electrical equipment or motors, replacement or transition to fuel-efficient equipment  
  • Nutrient, fertilizer, and waste management equipment: composting structures, specific equipment components for land application of fertilizer, fertigation (including perennial and annual crops), precision guidance applications – GPS nutrients, low disturbance placement of seed and fertilizer, land application of agricultural by-products 
  • Water management and irrigation equipment: irrigation system management and irrigation scheduling (incl. automation equipment and software; water meters, backflow prevention devices, or other flow-measuring devices) 

In addition to the Beneficial Management Practices Program, other technologies can be funded by Specialized Programs:  

  • Traceability systems, infrastructure and technologies  
Submitted applications will be received and reviewed by Innovate BC. All applications received will be evaluated based only on the information submitted and will not be considered if they do not meet application eligibility criteria or are incomplete. 
Fully completed applications submitted by April 28, 2025, will be reviewed to ensure they meet basic eligibility criteria and will be further assessed against criteria set out by the Ministry to allocate available cost share funding to projects best aligned with the Program objectives. Applications will be assessed based on their:  

  • Impact on labour savings, productivity, efficiency, and/or profitability;  
  • The type of technology/innovation being purchased (with a higher emphasis on applications that will result in technologies/innovations being purchased and installed that are entirely new to B.C. and/or a specific commodity sector); and  
  • The project budget and timeline.   

If an application is approved, the Applicant will be informed of the details of the decision and any associated terms and conditions via email within a target six to eight week period post-call close (e.g. June 2025). The Applicant will then be invited to enter into a Funding Agreement with Innovate BC which outlines the obligations of each party for the approved project.

If an application is not approved, the Applicant will be notified of the decision by email and will be provided an opportunity for additional feedback should they wish to request it.   

Funding Ratio Min/Max Funding Amounts
  • At least 35% cash contribution from the Applicant*
  • 65% covered by the Program 
$1,000 - $100,000** 

*Applicants must not use other government funding sources to cover the minimum Applicant contribution amount.

**Applicants can be awarded up to 65% of eligible project costs to a combined maximum across all projects of $100,000 per distinct business and production location.

Applicants with an approved funding request will be invited to enter into a Funding Agreement with Innovate BC; no funding will be released without the successful execution of a Funding Agreement. After execution, amendments to a project, its corresponding activities, or budget are generally not possible. Innovate BC reserves the right to review Funding Agreements on a case-by-case basis in extenuating circumstances without obligation to agree to proceed with modifications or amendments.

Funding is provided on a reimbursement basis for eligible expenses incurred, subject to submission of expense claims including invoices and proof of payment for the technology purchase, and photographic confirmation the technology has been received on location. For this funding call, confirmation of purchase and delivery of the technology will be required by no later than March 20, 2026. Payments will be issued within three to four weeks following a complete project claim submission.  

Successful applicants will be required to complete both a progress and final outcomes survey within the following 12 months. These surveys will gather important information regarding technology performance, with specific interest around changes in productivity, efficiency, and/or profitability to help inform the Ministry and the sector about how and what technologies support the efficiency, productivity, or profitability of farms in B.C.  

Have questions? Email us at integratedmarkets@innovatebc.ca

Ready to apply? Apply now.

From Funding to Farming: How Van Eekelen Enterprises is using Robotics to Enhance Production

Through the B.C. On-Farm Technology Adoption Program, farms like Van Eekelen Enterprises are turning to Robotics to grow their businesses and increase production to help strengthen food security in the province.

Learn more →


How do I get in touch if I have questions?
What is considered ‘new’ technology?
A technology can be considered new if it is new to Canada, B.C., a specific commodity sector, or a region. New technology could include, but is not limited to, a newly created technology that differs significantly from existing technologies in-use, an existing technology that is modified to meet different requirements, or an existing technology that is implemented in different situations. These technologies or equipment must be new to the applicant, viable and commercialized (TRL level 9). This would include technologies that are readily commercially available, and/or have been successfully tested and proven to work in its final form or iteration under real-life and operational conditions. 
Can I apply more than once?

Yes, you may apply more than once, as long as the applications are for different technologies. Multiple applications for the same technology from the same organization will be disqualified.

An organization may have multiple awarded projects, but the maximum award per business is $100,000 per program intake/call.  

How much funding can I receive?

Approved applicants will receive 65% cost-share reimbursement from a minimum of $1,000 to a maximum of $100,000.

How long is the application intake open?
The application window for this call is from March 17 to April 28, approximately 6 weeks. Applications will be reviewed after the application window closes, with notifications to applicants to be provided within a target 4-6 weeks thereafter.   
How does the funding work?
The funding is non-repayable and provided on a reimbursement basis after a Funding Agreement is executed between Innovate BC and the successful applicant organization. The organization will need to submit a copy of invoice(s), proof of payment, and a photo demonstrating the technology has been delivered onsite before a payment can be issued. 
It says I’ll have to complete reporting later – what does this look like?
Within 12 months of undertaking the Funding Agreement, two surveys will be issued to the applicant to provide Innovate BC and the Ministry an update on the technology and the impacts it has had to farm operations. An example summary of questions and data to be collected will be included in the Funding Agreement.   
What funding programs are available for B.C. Farmers?

Other Funding Sources 

Please note that some activities that are ineligible under the On-Farm Technology Adoption Program, may be funded through following programs: 

Beneficial Management Practices (BMP)  

  • The BMP program provides cost-share funding to producers to cover equipment purchases, energy/greenhouse gases projects, irrigation projects, construction projects, riparian projects, water projects, and more. 

Activity examples: 

BMP Code: 

Improved land application of agricultural by-products 


Composting of agricultural wastes (residuals) 


Improved irrigation system management and irrigation scheduling (incl. automation equipment and software) 


Water meters and other flow measuring devices on farm 


Precision guidance applications (GPS – management of nutrients) 


Precision guidance applications (GPS – management of pesticides/residuals) 


Improved fertilizer application technology 


Replacement of fossil-fuel-driven equipment or motors with electrical equipment or motors 


Replacement or transition to fuel efficient equipment 


The Traceability Adoption (TA) Program  

  • The Traceability Adoption program provides cost-shared funding to individual food, seafood and agriculture businesses to implement facility-based traceability practices systems, infrastructure and technologies.    

Extreme Weather Preparedness (EWP) Program 

  • Provides cost-share reimbursements to farm or agriculture businesses to address risks related to wildfire, flooding, and extreme heat (including improved climate-control systems and infrastructure updates). 

New Entrant Farm Business Accelerator (NEFBA) Program. 

  • A “New Entrant” is defined as an agricultural producer who has not reported farm income for more than 5 years. The Program supports business planning and cost-shared purchasing of commercial farm infrastructure and equipment needed to accelerate the revenue growth of farm businesses.

Food Safety Program (FSP).  

  • Cost-shared funding is available for a range of eligible activities under three distinct categories: 
    • Category 1: On-site Food Safety Assessment
    • Category 2: Food Safety Improvement
    • Category 3: Third party audited OFFS/HACCP Certification(s) 

B.C. Employer Training Grant, 

  • Cost-sharing program that helps employers pay for training for their current or new employees. Employers can apply for funding to cover up to 80% of the cost of training up to $10,000 per employee and a maximum of $300,000 per employer annually. 
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