Integrated Marketplace
The Integrated Marketplace (IM) initiative works to accelerate and de-risk the adoption of domestic innovations and assist key areas of the provincial economy to decarbonize, increase competitiveness and strengthen health and safety. Developed by the Province of British Columbia as part of the StrongerBC Economic Plan and supported by PacifiCan, the program is delivered through Innovate BC in cooperation with partnering Testbeds.
How Does It Work?
The Integrated Marketplace initiative utilizes partnering Testbeds, which serve as the physical locations where innovation needs can be identified and connected to domestic innovation suppliers.
A demand-driven program, projects as part of IM are identified, selected, and developed by companies operating within approved Testbed sites. These Alliance organizations or members, as well as the Testbed Authorities, have a vested interest in understanding how new products or services perform within the real-world scenarios in the Testbed.
The IM has an ongoing project proposal process that is open to all eligible companies operating within approved testbeds. The program may co-fund eligible projects based on their alignment with IM’s program objectives and terms and conditions.
Innovative Solution Providers (ISP) are companies that respond to the innovation needs of eligible companies (termed Alliance members) that are operating within approved testbeds, ISP and their products and services are selected by Alliance members and participate in operational use case projects at an approved Testbed. Multiple parties may participate in a project and collaboration amongst ISPs is encouraged. ISPs benefit by having real-world data that shows their product’s efficacy which they can leverage for future sales to other customers in markets across Canada and globally. Their corporate success ultimately results in additional scale-up capacity, and local high-quality employment in B.C.
Likewise, Testbed projects will generate product performance data in a series of real-world conditions, which then is made available and used to help de-risk the adoption and purchase of domestic innovations so potential customers can understand key considerations such as return on investment, operational costs, or GHG reductions.
Program Goals
- Test commercially-ready technologies that solve business problems related to decarbonization, productivity, competitiveness, and health and safety as identified by companies operating in partnering testbeds.
- Generate performance data that demonstrates the benefits domestic innovations provide customers to help de-risk procurement and adoption.
- Help domestic innovators more easily connect with customers to reduce challenges around product market fit.
- Help domestic companies secure a major reference customer that in turn, can help them scale up, increase exports to other markets and generate long-term, well paying jobs.

More Information
The Integrated Marketplace is demand-driven. Projects are identified, prioritized, and developed by eligible companies operating in approved testbeds. Eligible projects must occur at approved testbeds and:
- Be related to decarbonization, improving productivity and competitiveness and/or increasing health and safety
- Be no longer than 12 months in length
- Occur at one of the three approved testbeds
- Involve at least one B.C. solution provider
- Involve the testing of a commercially ready innovation in real-world operating conditions in a manner that ensures performance data is captured and can be shared with other potential customers
- Involve at least two potential customers for the innovation or product being used in the project
- Eligible companies operating within the three approved testbeds may submit a project proposal to the IM program upon agreeing to IM’s program conditions. Please contact the IM program for more information.
The Integrated Marketplace co-funds projects alongside industry partners. Industry co-funding is required to demonstrate a high level of commitment from the potential customer to procuring the product if it can demonstrate sufficient benefits.
The IM allows for a wide range of eligible costs that include:
- Incremental salaries specifically related to the project
- Purchase of goods and services related to the project by the customer or supplier
- New incremental software, hardware and data sets
- Shipping, transportation and installation of a product
- Site improvements needed to specifically support the project
To learn more about the Integrated Marketplace, email integratedmarkets@innovatebc.ca.
Testbeds are the physical locations where the Integrated Marketplace will run projects that use commercially-ready products in real-world settings. Projects that run in testbeds and receive IM funding must comply with the program’s terms and conditions.
Testbeds are selected by the organizations funding the Integrated Marketplace program. This includes the Province of British Columbia and PacifiCan. The testbeds currently being utilized are critical to B.C. and Canada’s economy and provide broad benefits to multiple areas of the economy. The testbeds are also overseen by Authorities created under federal legislation and act in the public good.
An Alliance is an informal grouping of companies that operate within a testbed or companies that have an interest in understanding how a product or service performs within the real-world scenario project. Alliances are generally unique to each project and represent the program’s requirement to have multiple potential customers involved in a project which is needed for eligibility purposes.
ISPs are B.C.-based companies that respond to the innovation needs (demand) of the Alliance members and provide their product or service to be used in real-world conditions within a project at a testbed. At least one ISP must meet the following conditions and complete the appropriate attestation form. All eligible projects must involve at least one B.C.-based ISP.
Eligible companies operating within the testbed select, prioritize and decide which projects to propose to the Integrated Marketplace. The program has a continuous intake process for project proposals for the duration of its funding availability. Projects that meet the eligibility requirements are then considered for co-funding.
Supplier companies for a specific project are selected by the potential customers or Alliance members operating in a testbed. The Integrated Marketplace program team and Innovate BC have no role in selecting the supplier companies which reflect IM’s requirement for industry co-funding for each project.
There are different ways a solution provider can be selected, including the use of the Alliance’s or customer’s existing procurement processes or with assistance from Innovate BC, with assistance from Innovate BC or through other processes. Wherever possible, Innovate BC will work to raise awareness of supplier opportunities through existing communications channels.
The Integrated Marketplace has more than $16M in project funding available to support projects at approved testbeds. Project funding is expected to be fully committed before March 31st, 2025.
Learn More
See the work taking place accross Integrated Marketplace Testbeds.